Veritee' s Learning Journal - Ultraversity

This is my learning journal for the three years of the BA (Hon) degree in Learning, Technology and Research

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I have felt that I can not use this LJ for some time
  • I have felt blocked from using it. Therefore for quite a while there were no entries in this LJ

Then I put the last entry below about value for money and this and discussions with other Researchers brought to head worries I have about using my Learning Journal in the way that I have.

The reasons I feel like this are:

  • I found that my use of the blog/LJ was to offload, talk through my feelings, and in my case even in my case to 'rave'
  • But even so as I usually operate personally in a very 'open' way and usually everyone sees everything about me warts and all at first I saw no problem with this so I just went ahead and put my frustrations on my Learning Journal
  • but I now wonder if it is 'wise' to put my frustrations in a LJ that will be used as part of my assessment for this course?


One of my issues with the LJ is that because of my using it to express my feelings of frustration I received one adverse response form someone who called themselves Anon so I have no idea who they where but it is my guess they had to be connected to UV or my words would not have engendered enough of an emotional response for them to comment as they did...

But th main issue that is blocking me from the use of this journal is a worry that having the sorts of comments I need to make to my LJ to keep myself sane while on this course, actually being part of my assessment for my work at UV might affect my marks adversely?

( so far we have been asked in our modules to record things in our LJ or refer to our LJ - I am not sure if the nature of what I need to write in my LJ would affect my assessment for a module if read in combination to a module -but I need to pass this at the very least so I fear it may)

Anyway therefore I have not been able to use my LJ for a while , I feel blocked from using it as the only use I have for it personally is to air my frustrations, work through my feelings and emotions, and generally offload and I wonder if I am free to do this in the LJ and it not affect my marks, but to survive this course I HAVE to do it somewhere.

So far for me my issues have been totally with the course itself, how it is organised, and the scarcity of any input from UV staff like LF for the money I am paying which I can not afford at all right now! None of my issues have been of a personal nature. Even my complaints about LF input are not intended to be personal - it is not about LF as individuals or the effort they put into their job which I am sure is extensive.

My issues are about the way their work is organised by UV - which they are not in control of personally I am sure?

However I suppose at some point I may have issues with other researchers or an individual member of staff and it would not be helpful either to air these publicly during the process of working out my issues as this could be hurtful to the other person even though it would never be intended to be - it would just be about how I reacted to something said by another researcher due to my own psyche and personal triggers.

I have discovered by talking to researchers in other Cohorts that I am not alone in this as others before me have had the same dilemmas regarding their Learning Journals.

Therefore I have decided to try a solution other researchers have before me, that is to effectively have two LJ

  • one for my RAW feelings and issues
  • the other for the outcomes of my working through these issues

    Lets see if this will work?


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